
text telephone中文是什么意思

  • 文字电话



  • 例句与用法
  • 54 . official languages authentic chinese text telephone ordinance order
    54 .法定语文中文真确本电话条例
  • Telecommunications - pcs 1900 - cellular text telephone modem minimum performance requirements
    电信. pcs 1900 .图文电话调制解调器最低性能要求
  • If you are deaf or hard - of - hearing , complete access to microsoft product and customer services is available through a text telephone tty tdd service
    如果存在听觉障碍,可以通过文本电话( tty / tdd )服务访问所有microsoft产品和客户服务。
  • If you are deaf or hard - of - hearing , complete access to microsoft product and customer services is available through a text telephone tty tdd service
    如果您有听力障碍,可以通过文本电话( tty / tdd )服务充分访问microsoft产品和客户服务。
  • For technical help in the united states , you can contact microsoft technical support on a text telephone at 892 - 5234 between 6 : 00 a . m
    若要获得技术帮助,在美国境内,您可以使用文本电话拨打( 800 ) 892 - 5234来与microsoft产品支持服务部门联系。
  • For technical help in the united states , you can contact microsoft product support services on a text telephone at 892 - 5234 between 6 : 00 a . m
    若要获得技术帮助,在美国境内,您可以使用文本电话拨打( 800 ) 892 - 5234与microsoft产品支持服务部门联系。
  • If you are deaf or hard - of - hearing , complete access to microsoft product and customer services is available through a text telephone ( tty / tdd ) service
    对于失聪或听力有困难的用户,完全可以通过文字电话( tty / tdd )服务使用microsoft提供的产品和客户服务。
  • For technical help in the united states , you can contact microsoft product support services on a text telephone at 892 - 5234 between 6 : 00 a . m . and 6 : 00 p . m . pacific time , monday through friday , excluding holidays
    若要在美国国内获得技术帮助,可在太平洋时间星期一到星期五(节假日除外)的早晨6 : 00至下午6 : 00 ,通过拨打文本电话( 800 ) 892 - 5234与microsoft产品支持服务联系。
  • For technical assistance in the united states , you can contact microsoft product support services on a text telephone at ( 425 ) 635 - 4948 between 6 : 00 a . m . and 6 : 00 p . m . pacific time , monday through friday , excluding holidays
    对于在美国境内的技术支持,可以通过文字电话与microsoft产品支持服务取得联系,请在太平洋时间上午6 : 00到下午5 : 00 ,周一到周五,拨打电话( 425 ) 635 - 4948 ,节日除外。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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