text n. 1.原文,本文,正文;(文艺学等所说的)文本。 2.课文,课本,教科书。 3.基督教圣经经文,经句〔常引作说教题目〕。 4.主题,论题。 5.(歌谱的)歌词。 6.版本。 7.=text hand. a full text 全文,正文。a text in physics 物理课本。 stick to one's text (谈话)不离本题。
telephone n. 电话(机)。 a dial telephone 自动电话。 a public telephone 公用电话。 a telephone booth [box] (公用)电话亭。 a telephone directory [book] 电话用户号码簿。 a telephone operator 话务员。 a telephone receiver (电话)听筒。 a telephone set 电话机。 a telephone subscriber 电话用户。 a telephone transmitter (电话)话筒。 speak to sb. over the telephone 和某人通电话。 You are wanted on the telephone. 请你去接电话。 by telephone 用电话。 call (sb.) on the telephone 给(某人)打电话。 call sb. to the telephone 叫某人听电话。 talk on [over] the telephone 打电话,通电话。 vt. 打电话给某人,把某事用电话通知某人。 vi. 给某人打电话 (to)。 telephone the secretary 打电话给秘书。 telephone a message to sb. 打电话给某人告诉他一项消息。 He telephoned that he would come in the afternoon. 他打电话来说他下午来。
If you are deaf or hard - of - hearing , complete access to microsoft product and customer services is available through a text telephone tty tdd service 如果存在听觉障碍,可以通过文本电话( tty / tdd )服务访问所有microsoft产品和客户服务。
If you are deaf or hard - of - hearing , complete access to microsoft product and customer services is available through a text telephone tty tdd service 如果您有听力障碍,可以通过文本电话( tty / tdd )服务充分访问microsoft产品和客户服务。
For technical help in the united states , you can contact microsoft technical support on a text telephone at 892 - 5234 between 6 : 00 a . m 若要获得技术帮助,在美国境内,您可以使用文本电话拨打( 800 ) 892 - 5234来与microsoft产品支持服务部门联系。
For technical help in the united states , you can contact microsoft product support services on a text telephone at 892 - 5234 between 6 : 00 a . m 若要获得技术帮助,在美国境内,您可以使用文本电话拨打( 800 ) 892 - 5234与microsoft产品支持服务部门联系。
If you are deaf or hard - of - hearing , complete access to microsoft product and customer services is available through a text telephone ( tty / tdd ) service 对于失聪或听力有困难的用户,完全可以通过文字电话( tty / tdd )服务使用microsoft提供的产品和客户服务。
For technical help in the united states , you can contact microsoft product support services on a text telephone at 892 - 5234 between 6 : 00 a . m . and 6 : 00 p . m . pacific time , monday through friday , excluding holidays 若要在美国国内获得技术帮助,可在太平洋时间星期一到星期五(节假日除外)的早晨6 : 00至下午6 : 00 ,通过拨打文本电话( 800 ) 892 - 5234与microsoft产品支持服务联系。
For technical assistance in the united states , you can contact microsoft product support services on a text telephone at ( 425 ) 635 - 4948 between 6 : 00 a . m . and 6 : 00 p . m . pacific time , monday through friday , excluding holidays 对于在美国境内的技术支持,可以通过文字电话与microsoft产品支持服务取得联系,请在太平洋时间上午6 : 00到下午5 : 00 ,周一到周五,拨打电话( 425 ) 635 - 4948 ,节日除外。